Friday, December 7, 2007

Goals for 2008

Now's the time. Goal setting is not hokey and not lame. How else will you accurately measure your success?

  • Write them down - Professional and Personal
  • Make them very specific
  • You can even give yourself a range to lessen the self-imposed "stress". For example - I would be happy to lose 15 lbs, but ecstatic to lose 30.
  • Attached to each goal should be the necessary steps you must take to achieve it. For example - I will work out 3 days each week for a min of 45 minutes. I will consume no more than (x) calories each day and will never eat dinner past 8pm.
  • Are they realistic? Is the bar you set too high or too low? A good idea is to share these with someone. Your partner, your friend, your boss....someone to help make you accountable. You don't have to go it alone!
  • Set milestones throughout the year. Set self-imposed deadlines. Make sure what you do monthly, weekly, and daily are in line with the goals you have outlined.
  • Make them visible. Tape them (and revise when necessary as, "shit happens" along the way) to your wall at work, or your medicine cabinet.
  • Most importantly - reward yourself along the way. You deserve it.

Happy Holidays!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good advice. Thanks.