Monday, April 28, 2008

Walk Away

Knowing when to "walk away" is one of the most valuable things you can master.

Walking away from a customer who is wasting your time...
Walking away from a confrontational situation that will only escalate with your involvement...
Walking away when you're exhausted to rejuvinate and come back even stronger...

Got it?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Those that Dominate

The conversation or meeting are not necessarily the ones who make the decision. The worst mistake you could make as a salesperson is to underestimate the " thinker" of the bunch. This reserved individual, who is listening to and analyzing every word, can easily be the one who makes the final decision. And most importantlly, the one who writes the check.

Friday, April 18, 2008


No matter the situation, you must always remember to maintain a certain level of professionalism.

But he yelled first. But he cut me off. But she was rude. But he cursed first.

C'mon, are we still 10 years old? A true professional, not an occassional professional, never "stoops" to the other person's level. Take a deep breath and let the moment pass. You will be happy you did.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stop getting defensive

When someone gives you an objection, why do you feel the need to get defensive? For many, it's habitual. You ramble and overwhelm your customer with reasons/information that you think will satisfy their objection. Not good.

Objections are good as they show interest on the part of the customer. And frankly, they may not even be "real" objections at all, as the customer is simply looking for confirmation of their decision - from you!!!. Take a deep breath, don't let them get you "excited", have some self control and throw it right back at them.....empathize and ask good questions.

"I understand. Can you elaborate why you feel that way?" "What exactly are your concerns about making a commitment to purchase?" "What aspects of the "product or service"do you like?" There are dozens of these questions that should be customized based upon your business.

The longer you keep the dialogue going and let them speak, the closer you will get to sealing the deal. Oftentimes, the customer will even talk themselves into the purchase as they realize all of the benefits and positive aspects your product or service provides them.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Energy transfers. No, this is not an April fools joke. Smile, someone smiles back. Get excited about something, so will the other person.

Positivity and being half full are genuine traits that will not be perceived as phony by your customer or co-worker. Best of all, you can learn to be more positive. You can learn to be more enthusiastic. You can learn to be "half full". Not only will your business thrive, so will your health.