Thursday, June 19, 2008

Master Sales Skills…Maximize Potential June 24th, 9AM-12:30PM at the infamous Gotham Comedy Club

Welcome Facebook members!

Here is the description of our exclusive half-day workshop next week, with only 6 spots left:

In a strong market, everyone makes money. In an uncertain market, only the better trained and more educated thrive. Are you determined to raise the level of your game and gain market share while others worry about making ends meet?

Master the skills we cover with you in our half-day event and you will communicate better with your customers, learn to work more efficiently, reduce overall stress levels, and inevitably, build greater wealth.

The EBL Way:

Act: Before the event, you will take a brief online DISC personality assessment. This 20+ page report is very insightful in identifying your unique personality style and will be waiting for you at the event. There’s no pass or fail and your results will not be shared with anyone.

Think: Each personality style has specific behavioral strengths and limitations: your preferences, your ideal work conditions, and how you relate to people. Learning how to utilize the aspects of your personality style most effectively is critical to maximizing your potential.

Sell: You will begin to “people-read” and examine the verbal, visual, and vocal cues that are unique to each style. No longer will you let other people’s behavior frustrate you, but instead you will use what you’ve learned to close more deals!

Part lecture, part interactive role-play, and part group activity, this fast-paced half-day event is guaranteed to leave you wanting more or your money back. No questions. Take the time to understand why people speak and act a certain way, and you’ll begin fulfilling your true potential. Now that’s EBL’s definition of success. Join us.

Date: Tuesday, June 24th, 2008
Time: 9am – 12:30pm
Location: Gotham Comedy Club, 208 W.23rd Street, off 7thAve
Attire: Professional
Cost: Online Special: $75 Dollars --includes materials

To Register:

By phone: 212-366-5200
By email:
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