Thursday, July 17, 2008

Become a better networker simply by...

Being well read. I know it sounds simple, but the more you have to talk about, the easier it is to network. From politics, sports, local and international news, and business, keeping up with current events, on a variety of topics, will allow you to find a common thread with almost anyone.

Tip...Take 30 minutes a day to peruse espn, bloomberg, cnn, and the ny times (or whatever your local paper may be). This is not optional. Make it a recurring task in your calendar, beginning today!


Anonymous said...

Eric, I had the plesure being at your seminar today. I think it was very informative. I think that you could add to your networking seminar the "famous name forgeting" I think it would have been one of the most important tips you could give people. I am not joking here but I was dating a guy who has not remembered my name. You would think that this happens only on Jerry Sainfeld, but this happens in life too. I bet many people wpuld appreciate this!

Anonymous said...

I was at the seminar also and thought about it for the remainder of my day. I looked at all the opportunities out there to strike up a conversation with someone and network! Eric, you are a wonderful motivator and you have truly found your calling in life. I'm sorry I missed the last one on your personal business statement, still have to work on that one.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your seminars are very informative, but really, "Having a diverse knowledge base from which to draw from"? For a company that purports to teach people effective communication skills, you should probably proofread your blog before you post it.

Anonymous said...

Agree with your first anonymous post. Not sure I agree with this one. Blogging "grammer" takes a back seat to its message. But greatly appreciate the feedback. Just wish it wasn't anonymous as it seems like there are a few things you can teach EBL about blogging.